Participation in the competition "Grenzen fließen"

The modalities for the participation


We are interested in works dealing with the following issue:

What are the importance an the influence of the fluctuations in the boundaries of a historic, cultural and legal environment of Anterior Austria (Vorderösterreich) and of the Danube Monarchy on Europe's regions and citizens of today and tomorrow?


Anterior Austria  1753 -1805    

The Danube Monarchy 1910

The participants are required to submit a creative and innovative work on the issue above.

The contribution may be in the form of a printed work,a film or a work of art

Who participates?

Individuals, teams or relevant organizations.

How to register?

Please ask for the  registration form by Email

The registration form will include full details of the terms of competition, prizes, addresses in the various regions. Supervision of the competition is expected in the following countries: Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, South-Tyrol, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Romania.

Closing date of registration: 1 December 2009.

Later registrations will be possible in exceptional cases. Please contact the person responsible for your area.

Submission to the Jury

From May 2009 to the end of December 2009 all the works should be submitted  to the committee of SJF in your area.  The winners will be announced during the first half of 2010.

The award "Joan of Ferrette"  in 2010


Each region awards its best competitor with a cash prize.

For the best work of all participating regions, the winner will also receive the valuable statuette "Johanna und Grenzmagier" made by the well-known artist Johannes Dörflinger from Constance.

In summer 2010 the award ceremony will take place in Krems on the Danube.







Photography: Gallery Dr. Geiger, Constance