- 2010, St.
Blasien-Schwarzwald The
competition "Grenzen fließen" is over.
prizes were handed over by Michael Salvator Archduke
Habsburg-Lorraine, by President Kinsky and by the initiator of the
competition Peter Heinrich Wessenberg
Award Dr. Peter Graf Coreth, Austria, Fratres
Price Marc Glotz, Alsace, Flaxlanden
Price Prof. Kerstin Odendahl, Dr. Hans Martin Tschudi, Dr. Joachim
Wessenberg, Habsburg, Coreth, Dörflinger |
July 7-2009: Visiting
Abbot Michael Prohászka in "Stift Geras" and preparing the meeting of
the SJF 2009
Abbot Michael Prochászka and the coordinators of the
cultural and historical competition, Brigitte and Peter
Heinrich Wessenberg, started with the preparations for a conference in
the autumn of 2009. This meeting will present the results and works of
each Regional Committee for the competition "Grenzen fließen".
In planning:
Annual Conference of the Europ. Regional Committee
Working title: "Living specimen from the Rhine to the Danube"
Contributions from European Historical regions
24 to 26 October 09
in "Stift Geras",
near the Czech border in the northern Waldviertel
Lower Austria
>> Conference
>>Stift Geras
Picture: Abt Michael mit P.H.
Wessenberg in Stift Geras

photo gallery (in German) |
Society Joan of Ferrette, together with the Committee of the pan
European Union of Alsace, has chosen the city of Ferrette in Alsace
for the presentation of the Competition "Grenzen fließen" (flowing
borders). Its purpose is to gather eminent historians of the Upper
Rhine region and persons involved in cross-border cultural
program (in French)
>>report (in
>>report (in German)
>>report of the organisation Forum Carolus (in French)
>>2 ,
>>3 Three articles in the newspaper Alsacian DNA, in French
An article in the well-known
historical journal DAMALS |